Our Church

First Christian Church is a Christ centered community, inviting everyone to seek and celebrate God’s love through joyful worship, mission, and ministry. We celebrate diversity and joyfully welcome all God’s Children to participate fully in every aspect of church life. This includes at the table of Christ’s communion, in ministry and leadership of the congregation. All means ALL!

The Book

We hold the centrality of scripture, recognizing that each person has the freedom – and responsibility – to study God’s word within the community of the church.

Our Identity

An identity worth celebrating: We practice the baptism of believers, while also recognizing the baptism performed in other churches.

The Table

We invite ALL together for the Lord’s Supper weekly, experiencing at this table the welcoming, gracious, and forgiving presence of Jesus Christ.


The priesthood of all believers: We affirm that ALL are called to ministry, rejoicing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which include the gift of leadership, that God has given for the common good.

Our Vision

We strive to connect people in faith and in community in a broken and  fragmented world. We live out this vision by being:

Intentional in our study and prayers so that we might better follow God’s vision and Christ’s call in the world.

Partners with our community in mission and ministry.

An Open and Affirming Congregation welcoming ALL in every aspect of the church.

A Green Chalice church living out our faith by caring for God’s creation.